Portrait of a Fashion Designer Sitting in Front of Three of Her Colleagues at a Desk

What is the true definition of leadership? What actually makes a leader a leader? What are the leadership skills one needs to truly be effective? These were the questions asked and discussed at the 22nd annual ICAN Women’s Leadership Conference held this week in Omaha, Nebraska. Emergenetics Internationals’ own founder Dr. Geil Browning was one…

pushing social network

There’s more and more evidence to the notion that the companies who perform best financially also perform extremely well with regards to their workers and their company culture. The idea of using a measure like positivity to benchmark a company’s performance would have been laughable not too long ago. The culture and performance corollary were…

Woman smiling at camera while her colleagues are working

Recently I had the pleasure of participating in an Emergenetics Meeting of the Minds and Emergenetics Certification in Denver, Colorado. Being a part of the certification was an eye opening experience for me because I realized that many of the social boundaries set in place by the education systems and business norms that I have…

Group picture of Business Team

“Leadership is influence.” – John C. Maxwell Influence. Persuade. Convince. Sway. Engage. Motivate…. Your team. Your organization. Your community. Your relationships. Yourself. How do you use your leadership VOICE to influence…to get the outcomes you want? To get the results you desire? To make your vision come alive? To realize your purpose? What does being…

Love symbol from hand

Valentine’s Day, also known as the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated in many countries throughout the world. With its evolution through the years, it became an occasion where lovers express their love and appreciation for each other by presenting flowers, greeting cards, candies, gifts or even enjoying romantic dinners. Personally, I do not celebrate…

Business people in meeting

Companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars on training their employees every year, and much of that is spent on building new leaders, strengthening existing leaders, and transforming good leaders into game-changing, high-level influencers. Pinpointing how to make those leaders most effective is extremely difficult though, as every company has a different set of characteristics…

Design Team Planning on a Project with Colour Swatches

This blog has been adapted from the original post found on the IHS company intranet. More than 1,000 colleagues and leaders at IHS have had an opportunity to take an Emergenetics Profile. Emergenetics is a psychometric tool used to measure thinking and behavioral attributes. In addition to supporting communication, trust building and team formation, Emergenetics…
