Five people reviewing notes at table

The best way to define leadership is difficult. Look up “Leadership Definition” in a Google search and in .44 sec you get 269,000,000 results. Despite this massive number, I don’t actually think that the definition is the issue…it is the action of leadership that is the hardest part. Inherently, defining leadership means understanding yourself from…

Leadership smile

“Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event.” –Brian Tracy How many times have you heard a leader utter these words: “I have the best of intent”or “I had the best of intent”? To be an effective leader, having the best of intent does not matter if it…

Promotion concept

Changing habits is a difficult process. And we can thank our brains for making habits hard to break. It goes back to neural circuitry. As Emergenetics International Founder Dr. Geil Browning writes in Emergenetics: Tap Into the New Science of Success, “As the brain matures and becomes more specialized, neurons are recruited and reinforced through…

Multiethnic Group of People Planning Ideas

As a new year kicks off, search business articles and leadership talks, and the most prevalent topics that come up will be leadership and goal setting (I tried it). This makes sense—individuals are needing to augment their skills in taking their organizations, teams or themselves to higher levels of performance. Companies either want to grow,…
