Businesswoman Looking up Surrounded by a Large Group of Business People

“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.” – Roy E. Disney Leaders: What do you stand for? What do you live by? What are your values? Having a confident leadership “voice” is your key to being a successful leader. You make decisions based on what you value. From the clients you…

Group of Multiethnic Cheerful Designers

Everyone defines trust from his or her own perspectives; we have our own personal story that shapes how we define trust. Personally, I believe it is important to share common goals, commitment and understanding of what needs to be done, at a personal and team level. We establish trust and cultivate trust through actions and…


A week ago, people all over the world came together for the biggest day of learning in talent development — Emergenetics 24 Hours. While the event has come and gone, the learning brought to us that day has many applications that will continue to improve people, teams, and organizations for months and years to come.…

Effective Storytelling

Consider this scenario: Someone asks, “What is a sandwich ?” You Google the definition and say, “Sandwich is an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with meat, cheese or other filling between them, eaten as a light meal.” Does that answer the question? What if you were to share this instead? A…

Sean Graber

The only safe thing that you can say about Millennials these days is that they’re controversial. To some, Millennials are saviors who are highly educated, entrepreneurial, and tech-savvy. To others, they’re a scourge of narcissists with unrealistic expectations and an attention-deficit problem. No matter your opinion, the Millennials are here. This generation, which is comprised…
